Honestly Honest Review: Averr Aglow Skincare

Honestly Honest Review: Averr Aglow Skincare

Many “Honest” reviews out there claim to be unbiased and 100% authentic, but then you scroll to the bottom to find out the reviewer was given the product for free in exchange for an “Honest” review. That’s why my reviews are Honestly Honest. I gave up my cold hard cash to try the product and I’m going to tell you about it!

I fell for it. All of it. The instagram testimonials, the chic branding, the heartfelt messaging on their website that just seemed to “get” me and my struggles and gave me hope that this was the acne miracle I had been waiting for.

But nope. It wasn’t a miracle cure. (Spoiler alert: there is no miracle cure 😭). In fact, it made my skin oilier and made me breakout even more. And before you tell me I didn’t use the system properly or didn’t give me enough time… hear me out.

I initially purchased the Luminous Clear Skin Kit, and during checkout got sucker-punched into adding the Perfectionist Serum to my basket (but it was an additional 5% off if I added it right then and there! I couldn’t NOT add it!) I really should have known then a skincare line THAT good shouldn’t have to rely on targeted marketing campaigns and infomercial tactics to sell product, but I digress… Anyways, the total came to over $200 (what!? for a 6-8 week supply??) and I hesitated A LOT, but then I thought “this could be your answer like it was for all the girls in those testimonials” and I hit the button to send my hard-earned cash their way.

The Luminous Kit consists of the Dew (hydrating mist), Nectar (cleanser), Toner, Cream moisturizer, and Elixir (overnight mask that makes you look ghostly. Kinda fun for scaring your roommates). All ingredients are on their website, although they make you dig for it 😉. I have to admit I enjoyed the Dew. It smells like roses and it’s pretty refreshing spraying the mist on your face. Next you do the Nectar. You have to shake it vigorously to mix it up and move quickly to get it on your cotton pad before it separates again. I used VERY little of this stuff and still it made me feel very oily. But it did help get makeup off. Next is the toner — also need to shake that one. Followed by the perfectionist serum. I’ll admit I felt really fancy applying this. It’s a nice pink color and smells good enough to tolerate but also bad enough to make you feel like there are effective ingredients in there. As far as the cream goes, as soon as I noticed Shea butter was a main ingredient I tossed it. Shea butter will for sure break me out. What is Shea butter doing in an acne skin care line??

The Elixir overnight mask is the line’s #1 “holy grail” product. I must have seen a dozen Instagram adds for it! And I liked it at first. I really did. It’s got clay in it, and when you wake up over having it on overnight, your skin does feel matte and calm and clear and less inflamed. But I think the white color of the mask hid a lot of the imperfections, because as soon as I washed it off, the blemishes revealed themselves again.

I gave this skincare line a solid 6-week effort. I held out hope, but alas, my skin did not improve. I even started developing small bumps around my jawline I had never experienced before. As soon as I stopped, my skin started to improve again.

Other things to note: The bottle tops are a huge fail, they break and leak and the sprayers get clogged, and also the bottles are glass so if you happen to drop one.. goodbye product! Shipping also took 2+ weeks to get to me. And they offer no type of “satisfaction guarantee”.. once you buy it and use it you’re stuck with it!

Honestly Honest Bottom Line

This product line did not work for me and I’m sad I didn’t spend my $200 on something more fun like an air fryer I don’t have the counter space for or three solid years of a DisneyPlus subscription. Maybe it works miraculously for some people, but with that price tag and ALL THAT ADVERTISING, I just can’t believe their product is that effective long term. Since switching to back to my much simpler, much more affordable skincare routine, my skin has improved dramatically.

If you still want to try this skincare line, (because I know, the ads and testimonials are REALLY convincing!) then try it out and let me know what you think!