Daily Smoothie

Daily Smoothie

I tend to go through phases with smoothies (anyone else?). Usually during the summer I am really into them, since they are healthy and convenient and refreshing, but by fall and especially by winter I’m over it because DANG it’s cold outside and I just want something warm!!

With it being April and the weather warming up again.. I’m back to my regular smoothie habit! I have LEGIT had one every day for the past 3 weeks. Haven’t gotten sick of it yet and it’s a total nutritional powerhouse! Here’s my trusty formula (all ingredients are organic and from Trader Joes!):

  • Power Greens
  • Frozen Wild Blueberries
  • Frozen Riced Cauliflower
  • Avocado
  • Frozen Unsweetened Acai

I might also add some extras like bee pollen, chia seeds, l-glutamine powder, bone broth protein, or a few drops of stevia.

Blend up with some filtered water or nut milk and enjoy!!