Apple + Pecan Coleslaw

Apple + Pecan Coleslaw

I have to admit I never really liked coleslaw until recently. The ones I tried at neighborhood barbecues always seemed too mayonnaise-y to me (anyone else?), and I wasn’t into it.

This vinaigrette-based recipe still qualifies as coleslaw if you ask me, and is the PERFECT accompaniment to pulled pork/chicken or baby back ribs (even fish tacos!). Plus there’s no added sugar or weird oils (looking at you… canola). It’s vegan too, if you’re into that.

The green apple and pecans definitely make this coleslaw so don’t skip them! I added some poppy seeds as well for additional crunch, but if you don’t have those on hand, don’t sweat it.

The coleslaw at your next family barbecue doesn’t have to be a sugar-laden, mayonnaise-y, drippy mess. Make this version instead!

Apple + Pecan Coleslaw

Prep Time10 minutes
Course: Salad, Side Dish
Author: Katy


  • 1 green apple chopped into matchsticks
  • 10 oz package green cabbage
  • 3 Tbsp honey mustard vinaigrette*
  • 1 Tbsp poppy seeds optional
  • cup toasted pecans**
  • salt + pepper to taste


  • Toss the green apple, cabbage, dressing, and poppy seeds together in a large bowl.
  • When it comes time to serve, sprinkle toasted pecans on top.
  • Enjoy!


*I used this one from Primal Kitchen (also available on Thrive Market)
**Toast pecans in a skillet on low heat or in the toaster oven at 300F for a few minutes, just until fragrant.  Watch closely as they can burn easily!

Let me know in the comments below if you try this recipe! I’d love to hear from you.
