Favorite Roasted Vegetables

Favorite Roasted Vegetables

If you were to ask me to name three roasted veggies I could eat on repeat for days (perhaps weeks) on end… my answer would be (in no particular order): Butternut Squash, Broccoli, and Cauliflower! These are my ultimate roasted veggie trifecta. They are just so good, so nutritious, and so simple to make!

These are also a staple in my everthing bowls. They are versatile and go with just about everything (chicken, beef, fish, sweet potato, quinoa, goat cheese, nuts, eggs, you name it)!

Most weekends I will spend about an hour prepping these veggies while listening to a podcast or watching something light and easy on TV like The Voice or The Bachelor’s new show “Listen to your Heart” (after avoiding this franchise for many seasons.. they got me on the music angle!).

There’s no real recipe here.. just follow the below guidelines and tailor to your liking! These methods can be used for just about any veggie you’d like to roast, including brussels sprouts, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, parsnips, zucchini, bell peppers, onions, eggplant, squash, and tomatoes.

Step One: Preheat and Chop

An oven temperature of around 400-425F is typically perfect for roasting vegetables. Preheat that oven and get your baking sheets lined with aluminum foil for easy clean up (you’ll want the shiny side up for best results).

Chop your veggies up into bite sized pieces. I usually like getting the pre-chopped veggie bags (such as the organic broccoli or butternut squash from Trader Joe’s), but a whole head works too! Just grab a large chopping board and settle in. You will get more efficient with practice!

Step Two: Toss with Oil + Seasoning

Drizzle some cooking fat over the veggies. Maybe a couple tablespoons per pan. You want to be generous (think: flavor and health fats!) without letting any oil pool up on the pan. Again, not a science. My favorite fats for roasting are ghee, coconut oil (so good on the cauli and butternut!), and avocado oil (for a more neural flavor). And if you’re adventurous enough to try duck fat… put it on your potatoes. Just trust.

Next you need to SEASON! Can’t go wrong with salt and pepper, and maybe some garlic (or a lot of garlic if that’s your thing!). You can even play around with some seasoning blends, like Everything But the Bagel, Meat & Potatoes, or Old Bay / New Bae. I absolutely love the spice blends from Balanced Bites although they are a splurge. Get creative and try new things! Everyone’s palette is different. If it sounds good to you, go for it. If it doesn’t turn out so great, you learn. I’ve made a lot of flavor “mistakes” in the kitchen and I’m better for it. But I’ve also nailed a lot of flavors I thought could be weird that ended up being delicious.

The bottom line here: Season generously! I’m talking specs on every single bite. Lots of specs. It makes such a difference in flavor! I spent way too many years of my life under-seasoning my food, and my taste buds were less than happy with me. It was such an epiphany when I realized vegetables could be be the star of the plate! 🤯

After tossing with the oil and spices, you’ll want to spread your veggies in a single layer on the baking sheet. That way they will crisp up nicely and not steam too much. But if they’re a little crowded.. that’s okay too 😉. They’ll still be great! There’s a lot of wiggle room here.

(If you’re looking to buy new pans, these are my favorite!)

Step Three: Roast to (Im)Perfection

Once your oven is nice and hot, slide those veggies in. I like to roast one pan and one type of veggie at a time. Broccoli, butternut, and cauliflower all take around 20 minutes for me. Keep going until you get those little charred bits that are so delicious. When in doubt give in a few more minutes.

Thin veggies like bell pepper and asparagus may only take 10 minutes, while root vegetables or onions can take longer (maybe 30-45 minutes).

Keep in mind: It’s okay for things not to turn out perfectly! A little overdone, a little underdone, a little over or under seasoned, it’s all good. We can’t all be Ina Garten. Unless Ina Garten is reading my blog… (omg I would die!).

Now get out there and roast some veggies! 🍆🥔🥕 🥦 🧄 🧅