Three Teas for Skin Health

Three Teas for Skin Health

For years I tried to battle my acne aggressively with harsh topical treatments and prescription medications. I had no idea that acne was a result of what was going on internally, and thought that I had to come in strong and override what my body was doing. It worked to keep my skin issues at bay for a time, but I had many unpleasant side effects (which I will certainly go into in a future post!). Eventually I came around to the idea of working with (rather than against) my body to heal on the inside first (and in turn clear my skin).

Something I seriously overlooked was the power of herbal teas! Especially with the removal of coffee and caffeine from my diet, these teas help to get me in my routine and give me that comfort of a warm beverage whenever I need it. Of course no tea is going to miraculously clear you skin (unless you are extremely lucky!). However, drinking these teas may certainly help your body along its journey towards healing and balancing itself. Here are a few of my favorites that I drink regularly!

  • Nettle Leaf Tea – Nettle leaf is a staple among herbalists and lucky for us, it’s especially nourishing for the skin and the hair. Not only is it packed with nutrients (including calcium, magnesium, Vitamin C, B vitamins, and phytonutrients), it has been shown to decrease oxidative stress (great for anti-aging!) and decrease inflammation. As a gentle diuretic it helps flush toxins out of the body. And, perhaps most importantly for treating acne, it blocks DHT which is the active androgen that increases sebum production and contributes to blemishes. The one I drink is from Thrive Market.
  • Tulsi (aka Holy Basil) Tea – Tulsi is an Ayurvedic herb native to India that has been used medicinally for centuries. As an adaptogen it helps lower levels of cortisol without overstimulating the adrenal glands (which is fantastic for anyone trying to lower stress and heal their skin). It can also help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce anxiety! You may notice yourself feeling very relaxed but also quite alert after drinking a cup. For that reason I love drinking it in the morning, especially at work ☀️Fun Fact: Ancient yogis used to drink this tea before long periods of meditation. I get mine from Trader Joe’s but you can find it online as well.
  • Spearmint Tea – Not to be confused with peppermint! Spearmint is being used more and more to help women with hormonal imbalance. Studies have shown that 2 cups of spearmint tea per day can reduce androgen levels (i.e. hormone that causes acne) while simultaneously increasing hormones necessary for ovulation. This can be hugely helpful, especially for women with PCOS. Spearmint is also high in antioxidants and can help promote relaxation and improve sleep. Luckily I have always LOVED the taste of mint so this one goes down easy😉I’ve been enjoying the organic one from Traditional Medicinals. I haven’t been able to find it in stores yet so I order mine online.

If you try any of these teas, let me know how you like them and if you think they’re making a difference for you!

With love,
